photo credit: Christian Prohaska

September 15, 2021

Display Advertisement


Please note, if you are a new advertiser with us, we will need to verify your membership through your pastor. Please have your pastor email a verification letter on the official letterhead to


Ad Rates

  • Ad prices are per insertion and reflect full color ads. The Lake Union Herald is a full color magazine.
  • Minimum display ad size is one column inch. Any fraction of an inch will be figured as a full column inch.
  • All ad rates are subject to increase without notice. Advertisers who have signed an annual contract will not be subject to any increase for the duration of the contract.
  • Lake Union members/entities automatically receive a discount for display ads. 


Ad Size Rate
Back Cover $3,215
Full Page $2,380
Insert (Full Page Ad rate per page + $1,000 insertion fee per project) $2,380
2/3 Page $1,850
Half Page $1,545
Quarter Page $840
Display Column Inches (per inch, up to 5 inches) $96
Digital Display (Newsletter) Ad
*Multiple purchased digital ads will run consecutively in the weekly e-newsletter.
Special ad prices available to members. Please inquire by emailing

Ad Sizes

Ad Size Width Height
Back cover* 8.375" 8.875"
Full page, bleed 8.375" 10.875"
Trimmed, 4 sides 8.0" 10.625"
2/3 page, vertical 4.85" 9.125"
1/2 page, horizontal 7.375" 4.45"
1/4 page, 2 column vertical 4.85" 4.45"
1/4 page, 1 column vertical 2.33" 9.125"
1/4 page, horizontal 7.375" 2.16"

Digital Column Display Ad
(Two sizes available: Square or a Facebook sized graphic.)

1080 px
940 px

1080 px
788 px

Columns per page in advertising section = 4

Please email the digital display ad to with a blurb describing the event/subject. The world limit for the blurb is 70. 








*These dimensions allow for a .125" bleed on each side and the bottom of the back cover.

NOTE: Avoid placing advertiser address near the mailing label to avoid receiving P.O. returns.


Refer to the Editorial Schedule for display advertising deadlines.


  • Frequency Discounts

A 15-percent discount is available to advertisers who contract for nine consecutive issues. A 10-percent discount is available to advertisers who contract for four issues in a nine-month period. Select the appropriate discount requested on the Display Advertising Insertion Order form when completing the form, and select the desired months of publication on the same form. The Display Advertising Insertion Order form is located on the home page in the Online Forms menu by selecting Display Advertising. Please contact for more information.

  • Subsidizing Institutions

A 50 percent discount is available to conferences, departments, and institutions within the Lake Union which subsidize the Lake Union Herald.

  • First-Time Advertisers

Businesses advertising in the Lake Union Herald for the first time qualify for a 15 percent discount if the reservation is submitted online. This discount may not be combined with the Subsidizing Institutions discount of 50 percent.

File Formats

We accept ads in a variety of formats, but to ensure the best results, we recommend press-ready PDF files in CMYK color mode. Please make sure that all content is print/press resolution and that all fonts are embedded when including unrasterized text. When using TIFF or JPEG image formats for ads, select a resolution at which all text will be readable. (See FTP File Transfer for transfer instructions.)

File Identification

When submitting your advertisement, please use the same ad file name used on the Insertion Order to distinguish it from other ads by your organization. To accomplish this, please use your organization's name or abbreviation followed by a hyphen and two-digit month and year of the magazine issue. For example, if AdventHealth wanted to run different ads in January, March, July, and December of a given year, they might name their ad files, "AH-01XX.pdf," "AH-03XX.pdf," "AH-07XX.pdf," and "AH-12XX." For multiple ads in one issue, add a letter to the end, i.e., "AH-01XXa.pdf" and "AH-01XXb.pdf," etc.

File Transfer

Electronic transfer through email provides the quickest and easiest way to submit your ad to the Lake Union Herald. Send your email to, or call 269-473-8240 for assistance.


Refer to the Advertising Guidelines in the Advertising-Classified section.

Insertion Orders

Insertion Orders are contracts to reserve ad space in specific issues of the Lake Union Herald. Complete an Insertion Order in the On-Line Forms menu on the Lake Union Herald main page. Advertising space is reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis when an Insertion Order is received. A phone call or e-mail notice does not qualify as a contract for advertisement space. 

All artwork for the reserved ad space must be received by the Lake Union Herald office by the submission deadline on the Editorial Schedule for the issue requested.


The Lake Union Herald assumes no responsibility for advertisements, although the editorial staff makes every effort to determine that published advertisements are completely legitimate and in harmony with denominational standards and principles. Acceptance of advertising for publication in the Lake Union Herald does not necessarily endorse the product or service advertised.

The editorial staff reserves the right to refuse any advertisement or to discontinue any advertisement any time they believe it is necessary, and they reserve the right to edit ads in conformance with editorial policies.

Display ad space should be reserved as far in advance as possible. Ad placement is at the discretion of the editorial staff, unless the back cover is requested. No less than a full page is accepted for the back cover.

Advertising space is accepted on a first-come, first service basis when a Display Advertising Insertion Order is received.

The editorial staff reserves the right to insert the word "Advertisement" on accepted advertising to avoid confusion with editorial material.

The editorial staff reserves the right to refuse advertising material when it too closely resembles editorial material.

An additional fee equal to 25 percent of the ad rate will be added to all display ads requiring design or re-design to meet specifications. For example, any display ad that arrives in Microsoft Word or Publisher or is the wrong size will have to be re-done. The editorial staff will attempt to notify advertisers if ads do not meet specifications. If advertiser can not be located in time to meet the printer deadline, the fee will be added to the invoice. Please call the Lake Union Herald managing editor at 269-473-8245 or e-mail the back pages editor to request exact ad sizes.

Display advertising is accepted from denominationally-owned institutions or other Adventist-owned and Adventist-operated institutions that are members of Adventist-laymen's Services and Industries (ASI). Ads from non-Adventist organizations that offer services that benefit the Adventist Church and its members may be accepted, but must be approved by the editorial staff.

Ad payment is due upon receipt of invoice. Failure to submit payment for an invoice will cancel the continuation of the advertising contract.

Contract ads cancelled by the advertiser during the contract year are subject to a $250 charge per ad or loss of contract ad discount, whichever is less.

Space reservations (an Insertion Order) must be received by the reservation deadline on the Editorial Schedule for the issue requested. The media containing the ad artwork must be received by the submission deadline on the Editorial Schedule or the space will be reassigned. If submitted on a disk, it will not be returned unless return instructions are placed on the disk label.