Charlevoix, Michigan                                                                                                                         | photo credit: Molly Pate

August 31, 2021

Advertise With Us



The Lake Union Herald is a full-color magazine of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Lake Union Headquarters, with a circulation of more than 33,000. It serves the Illinois, Indiana, Lake Region, Michigan, and Wisconsin conferences. Its primary purpose is to tell the stories of God at work in His people in order to encourage, inspire, educate, advance and unify the church in the Lake Union. Advertisers must be a Seventh-day Adventist institution that is also a member of Adventist-laymen's Services and Industries. 

Who May Advertise?

As a service to our readers, we provide advertising space to church and parachurch organizations and businesses which provide products or services in harmony with the mission and beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Ads must be in good taste and represent businesses and organizations with excellent reputations. The Lake Union Herald editorial staff reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertisement at any time, and reserves the right to edit ads to comply with editorial polices.

  • First-Time Advertisers

First-time advertisers will need to obtain a signature endorsement from your church pastor vouching for your church membership. Mail the advertisement with your pastor's endorsement and your check to your local conference communication director, along with a stamped envelope addressed to the Lake Union Herald address that follows. Your conference communication director will submit the ad, with the conference stamp of approval, in the envelope you provide.

  • Repeat Advertisers

Repeat advertisers may mail their check and a typewritten ad, including complete information for sending you a receipt, to:

Lake Union Herald
Attn: Classified Ad Manager
P.O. Box 287
Berrien Springs, MI 49103-0287


Advertisement Placement

Space for classified advertising is available in the bulletin board section of the magazine (the last 10-12 pages) which, according to a readership survey, enjoys the highest readership of the entire magazine.

Advertisement Length

Advertisements are normally 50 words or less, but advertisements are accepted up to 80 words maximum. Please consider one of our display advertising options, which include advertising space available by the column inch, if you need a larger advertisement.

Advertisement Rates

A classified ad of 50 words or less is $36 for Seventh-day Adventist advertisers within the Lake Union and $46 for Seventh-day Adventist advertisers outside the Lake Union, per insertion. Advertisements with a word count greater than 50 words are billed .50¢ for each additional word up to 80 words maximum.

Online Advertisement Rate

Online paid ads run in the weekly eHerald, which goes out every Thursday to subscribers. For members of the Lake Union the ad is $10/per published eHerald newsletter. For non-members the ad cost is $20/per published eHerald newsletter. The digital ad includes a 1:1 (1080x1080) / 940x780 graphic and a 70-word blurb.  Currently, the audience size for the eHerald is just over 5,600 with an open rate of 30% and a click rate of 34%.

Advertisement Deadlines

Refer to the Editorial Schedule for classified ad deadlines.

Advertising Guidelines

Acceptable Advertising

  • Published and Recorded Material. Published and recorded material that has not been published and/or distributed by an institution owned by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and/or published in an official General Conference publication, must be reviewed and cleared by the Lake Union Herald editor before it can be accepted for publication and/or promotional consideration. Material not meeting the above criteria that has the official endorsement of ASI, a department of the General Conference, or a local conference/union/division will be given special consideration.
  • Business Announcements. Most legitimate business announcements are acceptable for advertising. Owners should have an unquestionable reputation in their business dealings.
  • Real Estate. Real estate ads must be from the owner and refer to one property only. Suggestions of "sub-division" or "will sell all or in part" are unacceptable. Advertising announcing a person's real estate business without reference to specific properties for sale is acceptable. Mobile homes (no camping trailers) may be classified as homes. Rental of facilities (home, apartments) are accepted; however, advertising is not permitted that solicits a partner to share house and costs.
  • Advertisements for Help. The Lake Union Herald has a reciprocal agreement with the North American Division magazines for classified advertising for personnel needs by church-owned institutions.
  • Ads for Help in Non-church-owned Institutions. Ads from non-church-owned institutions owned and operated by Seventh-day Adventists are acceptable, provided no mention is made of fringe benefits, salary rates, or working conditions. Content published is subject to editorial approval.


Unacceptable Advertising

  • Ads should not contain wordage regarding discounts or quote special prices to Adventists. They should not make extravagant claims of superiority or use excessive, descriptive adjectives.
  • Ads are not published from charitable organizations or persons requesting contributions except for scheduled church offerings.
  • Ads are not published from organizations offering an investment opportunity, except those relating to the funds and trust services of the Adventist denominations' organizations and institutions.
  • Ads are not published for products or to recruit distributors for multi-marketing companies.
  • Personal ads, such as those from individuals seeking marriage partners, etc., are not published.
  • Ads are not published for nutriceuticals or health aids, brochures and catalogs advertising nutriceuticals or health aids, or processed food prepared by other than denominationally-owned or ASI-member manufacturers (except naturally-grown foods such as nuts, fruits, grains), unless carried by the Adventist Book Centers.
  • Ads are not published for used cars, boats, trailers, etc., except by church-owned institutions.
  • Ads are not published for cemetery lots, crypts, or life insurance.
  • Ads are not published for permanent placement or adoption of children other than from denominationally-owned or approved agencies.
  • Ads are not published for meetings unless they have been approved by the local conference committee, the union committee, or are officially functions of church-owned institutions.


Classified Advertising in Other Union Magazines

Click here for information and contact information for other Union magazines.